Navigating Injury and other Challenges

During the past few years, I have prioritized strength training in an effort to mitigate age-related decline (e.g. loss of lean muscle and bone density). While I don’t think of myself as a powerlifter, I have shifted away from using the machines for the bulk of my training sessions. [Pun intended] Squatting, deadlifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, and moving in complex ways challenges my body, forces me to work through muscle imbalances, and is kind of empowering.

Meanwhile, back on the mat, my yoga practice continues to evolve, albeit not as I would have thought it would. Three years ago, at the peak of the pandemic, I was happily making my way through Sthira Bhaga (aka third series). Then life started happening. A fractured foot, sprained ankle, shoulder injury, fractured finger, contused hamstring attachment after a clumbsy fall walking in my garage. None of these occurring “from” my strength training or my yoga practice but certainly impacting them. And my ability to bounce back has not been as quick as it was in my twenties and thirties.

As a result, I have had to find ways to support my practice while allowing my body to heal. While it has been quite humbling, I have learned a lot about myself and the practice in the process. Learning where to back off, or “let go,” while finding other areas where I can extract more from the poses. This self-study is a rather cool component of the practice.

I invite you to notice for yourself if/when you have a set back. Are you able to find ways to support your growth even when you are healing, or do you need help figuring out a path forward? If the latter is the case, I’m here for you. See the schedule page for my availablity.


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